Your go-to hub for the latest updates and insights on ethical AI practices and AI testing tools.
Press Release – Global AI Assurance Pilot
The AI Verify Foundation and IMDA have launched a Global AI Assurance pilot. It is a global initiative to codify emerging norms and best practices around technical testing of Generative AI applications. The pilot was announced at the AI Action Summit in Paris, France.
The AI Verify Foundation launches Project Moonshot, one of the world’s first Large Language Models (LLMs) Evaluation Toolkit, aimed at addressing the risk of biases and harmful content from unchecked LLMs. Now in beta and open-sourced on GitHub, it offers a seamless way to evaluate LLM applications’ performance, both pre- and post-deployment.
Press Release – Launch of Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI
As Generative AI evolves, so do the risks. AI Verify Foundation and IMDA have released a Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI that outlines 9 dimensions to create a trusted environment. Stay tuned for what’s next as we co-develop implementation guidelines and resources with the members and the community, providing greater certainty in AI governance.
Press Release – Launch of Generative AI Evaluation Sandbox
Singapore unveils the first of its kind Generative AI Evaluation Sandbox to develop testing capabilities and tools to encourage the responsible use of Generative AI.
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Your organisation’s background – Could you briefly share your organisation’s background (e.g. sector, goods/services offered, customers), AI solution(s) that has/have been developed/used/deployed in your organisation, and what it is used for (e.g. product recommendation, improving operation efficiency)?
Your AI Verify use case – Could you share the AI model and use case that was tested with AI Verify? Which version of AI Verify did you use?
Your reasons for using AI Verify – Why did your organisation decide to use AI Verify?
Your experience with AI Verify – Could you share your journey in using AI Verify? For example, preparation work for the testing, any challenges faced, and how were they overcome? How did you find the testing process? Did it take long to complete the testing?
Your key learnings and insights – Could you share key learnings and insights from the testing process? For example, 2 to 3 key learnings from the testing process? Any actions you have taken after using AI Verify?
Your thoughts on trustworthy AI – Why is demonstrating trustworthy AI important to your organisation and to any other organisations using AI systems? Would you recommend AI Verify? How does AI Verify help you demonstrate trustworthy AI?
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