What is AI Verify?​

Build trust with AI Verify

AI Verify is an AI governance testing framework and software toolkit that validates the performance of AI systems against a set of internationally recognised principles through standardised tests, and is consistent with international AI governance frameworks such as those from European Union, OECD and Singapore. AI Verify toolkit is Minimum Viable Product (MVP). There are still significant gaps in AI governance testing and evaluation. Hence, there is a need to develop the sciences and open-source AI Verify to crowd-in developer, industry and research communities to grow AI governance testing and evaluation.
What is AI Verify?
  • Is a single integrated toolkit that operates within enterprise environment
  • Can perform technical tests on common supervised learning classification and regression models for most tabular and image datasets
  • Cannot test generative AI/LLMs
  • Does not define AI ethical standards
  • Does not guarantee that any AI system tested will be free from risks or biases or is completely safe
Background of AI Verify
AI Verify was first developed in consultation with companies from different sectors and of different scale. These companies include – AWS, DBS Bank, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Singapore Airlines, NCS (Part of Singtel Group)/Land Transport Authority, Standard Chartered Bank, UCARE.AI, and X0PA.AI.
On 25 May 2022, AI Verify was launched as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for international pilot and feedback by IMDA and PDPC.
On 7 June 2023, AI Verify Foundation was open-source.

Three parts of AI Verify


Testing framework


Software toolkit


Testing report

Testing framework

The testing framework is aligned with internationally recognised AI governance principles, guidelines, and frameworks, such as those from the EU, OECD, and Singapore. The framework consists of 11 AI ethics principles and corresponding testable criteria and testing processes.

Access the AI Verify toolkit

In the fast-evolving world of AI today, a concerted global community effort is required to keep our AI governance and testing capabilities on par with the state of the art in AI development and use. AI Verify is developed as an open-source, extensible tool to allow third-party developers and researchers to add to a global body of work.
For Users
Use AI Verify
Complete a self-assessment or engage independent testing services to test AI model(s) against AI Verify framework

For Developers & Researchers

Build on top of the AI Verify toolkit
Unlock the world of possibilities and make a meaningful impact in AI testing by contributing to AI Verify

Testing report

Download a dummy report to understand what an AI Verify report comprises.

Use AI Verify to #BuildTrustworthyAI

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Your organisation’s background – Could you briefly share your organisation’s background (e.g. sector, goods/services offered, customers), AI solution(s) that has/have been developed/used/deployed in your organisation, and what it is used for (e.g. product recommendation, improving operation efficiency)?


Your AI Verify use case – Could you share the AI model and use case that was tested with AI Verify? Which version of AI Verify did you use?


Your reasons for using AI Verify – Why did your organisation decide to use AI Verify?


Your experience with AI Verify – Could you share your journey in using AI Verify? For example, preparation work for the testing, any challenges faced, and how were they overcome? How did you find the testing process? Did it take long to complete the testing?


Your key learnings and insights – Could you share key learnings and insights from the testing process? For example, 2 to 3 key learnings from the testing process? Any actions you have taken after using AI Verify?


Your thoughts on trustworthy AI – Why is demonstrating trustworthy AI important to your organisation and to any other organisations using AI systems? Would you recommend AI Verify? How does AI Verify help you demonstrate trustworthy AI?
Enter your name and email address below to download the Discussion Paper by Aicadium and IMDA.
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